Monday, June 18, 2007

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 05 October 10, 2004

The Lord's Provision Revealed
Theme: A Journey with Abraham
Theme Verse: "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going." Hebrews 11:8 NIV
Readings: Genesis 13
Memory Verse: "Instead, they were longing for a better country--a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them." Hebrews 11:16
NOTE on Abram and Lot being rich. God had abundantly blessed them both with material possessions while not yet blessing Abram with a son. Often in Old and New Testament times people thought that rich people were favored by God and poor people must not be. A wealthy person or a poor person may be a wicked or righteous person. When Jesus said, after the rich young ruler left, that it was hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, his disciples were astonished. The difference between Abraham and Lot was the condition of their hearts and what they trusted in. Jesus praised the poor widow's gift more than the gifts of the wealthy who wouldn't miss what they gave. Proverbs 15:16 says, "Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil."

      God brought Abram, Lot and all their possessions back North to the place where Abram had pitched his tent the first time through the land, between Bethel and Ai, where he had made an altar to the LORD (Yahweh). Word received: When I bring you back to a beginning place, it is so that you can see how far I have brought you. (13:6) God had blessed Abram with wealth and had rescued both Abram and Sarah from famine and from danger in Egypt. In a sense they are starting again in the land God had called Abram to.

      The first thing Abram does is to call on the Name of the LORD again. He is remembering, worshiping and giving offerings to God in thanksgiving. (13:4) Word received: I want you to call on My Name in the good times and the bad times. I want My Name to be on your lips.

Word received: I want you to call on Me as Abram did. Abram is you model here.

Word received: I want you to call My Name. My Name has power to open prison doors. My Name is above every name. There is no other name under Heaven like My Name.

      When God brings us back to a place (physical, spiritual, emotional) we've been in before, (whether good or bad) the best response is to seek the Lord's face, to come to him in worship, remembering what he has done and taught us, giving him praise of offering ourselves to the LORD over again and asking for his guidance. Notice that it was just after this that the problem with Lot and not enough pasture came to a head. Think about and share times you have called out to the Lord in great need. What happened? How did God answer? God wants those times to be the milestone markers for us just as this was one for Abram.

      Notice that Abram has a pattern in his life of calling on the Name of the LORD. God wants us to have a habit, a pattern in our lives of calling on him in good times and bad.

      Remember, Lot wasn't supposed to be there. God had called Abram to leave his family. (Another brother stayed in Haran.) There was not enough space, pasture and water, for both men and all their servants and herds. (Plus all the people who already lived there.) How do we respond when there isn't "enough" of what is needed? Abram had just worshiped and called on the LORD. He was trusting God in this situation. He decides to be a peace-maker and give Lot first choice though he was the older man. Notice how gracious and generous Abram is. Word received: Abram was willing to give Lot first choice so that there might be peace between them. I would guess he prayed about the decision.

      Look at verses 8-11. "And Lot lifted his eyes and saw that the plain of Jordan was well watered..." Word received: Lot chose by appearance. Abraham chose by faith. The land of blessing was Canaan. Abraham entered My blessing by trusting Me. Don't judge by appearances. My blessing is often disguised by outward appearance.

Word received: Instead of choosing what looks better to your flesh, come and ask Me and I will show you the better way. I want you to follow Me, not your own heart. How does God want us to make choices?

      Contrast Abram and Lot in verses 10 & 14. "Lot lifted up his eyes and saw..."(v.10) Abram (v.14) was told by God, after Lot left, "Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are." Word received: Lot saw with physical eyes. Abram saw with eyes of faith.

      After Abram, trusting God, gave Lot first choice and he left for the well watered valley, then God told Abram to look, north, south, east and west to see the land God would give to his descendents (none yet). (Now notice how gracious and generous God is.) God told him then to walk up and down and see what God had promised and Abram obeyed. God renewed his promise and made it more specific than before. So Abram traveled south to Hebron.

      Lot thinks he got the better deal but it turns out to be the opposite. Notice that Lot chose the lush valley that also had cities like Sodom (and Gomorrah), which were so very wicked that God later destroyed them (Genesis 18-19) Lot saw the goodness of the land but not the sin. By the time God destroyed them Lot had moved into Sodom! (Genesis 19:1) Lot got into a lot of trouble there. (Note that Sodom and Gomorrah are now under water at the south end of the Dead Sea.) (Lot was considered the ancestor of Moab and Ammon (19:30-38) Word received: Flee from sin! Look at Me and what I give you. When we choose by appearances we can get into a lot of trouble. Monastic advice used to be "Avoid occasions of sin."

      Contrast :Lot and Abram. Abram is satisfied with what God given and where He leads and he worships God for it. The key is being satisfied and trusting God, not going after what we think is good. Word received: I know what you need and I know what is best for each of My children. Trust Me. I love each of you. Follow where I lead you.

      God wants us not only to trust him but to call on him and ask him for his guidance and provision. Things are not always what they appear to be. Jeremiah describes (6:16) how we are to live and follow the way Abraham lived. "Thus says the Lord: Stand by the roads and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it, and find rest for your souls."

      God led Abram to Hebron as Abram walked through the land (not a quick drive-through) and stayed near Hebron (in the south end of the hill country of Canaan). (Hebron was David's first capital. 2 Samuel 3:2)

      There were sacred oaks of Mamre at Hebron but Abram didn't worship there. He built an altar to the LORD there too and worshiped the true God. Abram's response to God's faithfulness and promises is to worship and remember all that God has done. God wants us to do the same.

Prayer: :Lord, what can I do to honor you for all that you've done for me?

Teaching Ideas for Lesson 05

Please us the Study Guide first.

Go over the Memory Verse to make sure the children understand it and then see if they have memorized it.

Make sure they know what happened in the story.

Basic points of the lesson for little ones:
      1. When we need help, God wants us to ask Him for help like Abram did, and not trust our own ideas and what we see.
      2. God loves us and will always show us the best thing to do if we ask him.
      3. God wants us to avoid things that can lead us to do wrong and disobey God.
      4. When we trust God, He will always provide for our needs. He wants us to worship Him and call on His Name.

Activity: coloring sheet for little ones.
      A girl/woman will come around to the classes to model an authentic, traditional Bedouin dress, such as Sarah would have worn. They haven't changed much. ( A Bedouin is a nomadic dweller in the deserts of the Arabian, Syrian or North African deserts.)

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