Monday, June 18, 2007

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 17 January 30, 2005

God's Protection and Deliverance of Lot's Family
Theme: A Journey with Abraham
Theme Verse: "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going." Hebrews 11:8 NIV
Readings: Genesis 19:1-29
Optional Readings: Psalm 37: Psalm 91
Memory Verse: The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble. The LORD helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him. (Psalm 37: 39-40)

       Geography: Abraham was still living in Hebron. He could see Sodom and Gomorrah from where he had stood before the Lord and pleaded for the cities (v.27). These cities were about 40 miles away as the crow flies. (Remember these cities are now under water.)

       Introduction: This is a very ambiguous story. Lot is a very flawed person even though he believed in the God of Abraham and was "distressed" and "vexed by the licentiousness of the wicked." (2 Peter 2:6-8) The Bible tells us the truth about how people act-the good, the bad, the mixtures. It is not a sugar-coated fairy tale. It is very important to read both the downbeat and the upbeat stories. They tell us the truth about the human condition. These stories are the antidote to false teaching, good or bad, that may come from the surrounding culture.

      In this story we are dealing with what God is doing both to punish persistent sin and rescue Lot. We are also dealing with the values of a very different culture, that valued the duty to guests above protecting one's children (vs,8). This horrifies us. Just as we have to distinguish between God and cultural values in this story, so we have to learn to make that distinction in our own culture.

      Lot had chosen the fertile valley, camped near Sodom and moved into the city at some point. He was horrified at the sinful lifestyle of the people but he had gotten involved in their society. We know this because he was "sitting at the gate: where the elders and rulers of a city sat to hold court and deal with problems. (See also in Ruth 4:1 4) He is what James (1:8) called "double-minded" but God rescues him anyway, probably in part because of Abraham's intercession. Later, when the angels tell Lot to flee with his family to escape from destruction, he "lingers" ,so the angels have to take him by the hand and lead him out of the city and say, Run for it! Run for the hills! Lot begs for a closer goal--Zoar, and the 2 men (angels) agree to wait till he get there. Lot's wife is also double-minded. In spite of the clear warning of the angels, she disobeys and looks back at what she has to leave--and dies. :Lot's double-mindedness destroys his family even as he is rescued. (One of the psalmists asks God to unite his heart--to give him an undivided heart.) Lot knew what was going on but he was not able to convince others. He just co-existed with the townspeople.

      There are times when things get so bad God wants us just to leave--get out of there! Sometimes you can be compromised by the context you are in. If a situation is really bad or a temptation very strong, sometimes leaving is God's way out--no matter what you have to leave. (We had to leave everything when we escaped from the civil war in Nigeria.. It was painful, but we escaped with our lives.) (One of the adults shared about a brother who was involved in the drug scene. Finally he just left town and then he encountered God and his life was turned around.) Ask the kids/adults if they have ever been in a bad situation and were prompted to leave. Did they? What happened? (Remember the "Love Canal" disaster where people wouldn't leave the houses that were killing their children.) We need to pray for the Lord to open our eyes and ears, to open the hearts of people to listen to the Lord and heed his prophets.. Obviously, if it is not clear, then we need to pray for guidance.

      In the midst of judgment, God was merciful and protected Lot and his family.(19:22) Word received: Even in My wrath, I remember mercy. Lot tried to protect his visitors but God finally had to step in through the angels. Word received: As you come to Me, I will protect you. Cry out to Me and I will be there.
God used Lot's hospitality to two strangers to provide the rescue for him. However, not everyone will accept God's rescue. The two future sons-in-law thought he was joking. People thought Noah was joking too. Sometimes people are so entrenched in evil they can't hear the Lord. However, the people of Nineveh did hear the warning and repented.

      When Lot refused to turn over his guests to be abused(raped) by the townsmen, they turned on him and accused him of being an outsider (sojourner) and being judgmental (playing judge) (19:9) Word received: When you do what is right, the world will regard you as judgmental and biased. I want you to continue to do right no matter what anyone says.
There will be times when the world around us will react with scorn and disbelief but God doesn't want us to be overwhelmed. God wants us to turn to him for guidance and do what is right in God's sight. Lot did try personally to do what was right in the midst of a sinful situation and so must we.

      Remember that this chapter is the answer to Abraham's intercessions to God in the previous chapter. We need to pray for those we see caught in the midst of a bad situation. God also wants us to pray for those who are doing bad things. Jesus said he came to save sinners. That is God's call to us. They may or may not repent--but we can leave that with God. Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies--for those who treat us badly. This is a way of inviting God into the situation.

      What about us???? :Look at the Memory Verse, as well as the two psalms. "The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble. The LORD helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him." (Psalm 37: 39-40)

       Word received: That is where I want you to be: finding your refuge inMe.

Teaching Ideas for Lesson 17

Please read the Study Guide first.

      Go over Memory Verse to make sure the children understand it and then if they have memorized it.

      Remind them their parents need to sign a report slip monthly if they have read the lessons, so they will get credit at the end of the year.

      Make sure they know what happened in the story. Get them to tell you.

Basic points of the lesson for little ones.
      1. God wants us to put him first above people, places and things.
      2. Sometimes we will find ourselves in an evil or bad situation. God wants us to call out to him for help, and then obey.
      3. When we cry to the LORD for help he will always be there.
      4. Sometimes the best way out of an evil situation is to just leave.

Note to teachers: get the kids to the map in the hallway so they can see where Sodom and Gomorrah were and where Lot went to.

Object lesson: role play thinking ahead about what you will do in a bad situation. It will be too late if you haven't made up your mind ahead of time. Tuesday evening the teachers will try to come up with age-appropriate examples for each class.

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