Sunday, April 29, 2007

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 08 October 29, 2006

Jesus Shares the Good News
Theme: Good News to Share
Theme Verse: "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10b NIV
Readings: Mark 1:14-20, Luke 5:1-7
Memory Verse: "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. (Mark 1:17-18)

      Notice God's timing. John the Baptist's work of preparation was over and it was time for Jesus to begin. We too need to be sensitive to God's timing, so we neither run ahead nor fall behind. "The time is fulfilled" refers to the time of God's fulfilling all those prophecies in the Old Testament about a coming Messiah and Shepherd. God's Kingdom (God's rule on earth) was breaking into their history and time. (Mark 1:15 is the Good News in a nutshell.)---and they had to make a choice. The choice was to "repent", turn away, from evil thoughts and deeds and their own ways and turn to Jesus and believe in the good news of God which confronted them. (Jesus came to save us from the ways of death in us and give us life!) John's arrest would provoke fear in some but God is still in charge here. Sometimes we too are fearful to speak out for Jesus. A word received: I Am. You are in My hands, don't be afraid to point to Me and My kingdom.

      Part of the Good News is that Jesus is seeking us out and calling us to "follow me". When we respond to Jesus, we do not need to know the way or the future because we are following the one who IS THE WAY, and holds the future in his hands. "My times are in your hands." (Psalm 31:15)

      Jesus sees Peter and Andrew fishing and says to them, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." A word received: I want you to seek out others for My sake and the sake of My kingdom. A word received: Do not be afraid, I Am speaking My word all around you. Listen to My voice, speak My words to the people I Am bringing. It is Jesus who will make us into fishers of men. As we yield our lives to him and follow him and listen, Jesus will equip us as we obey. Word received: I Am calling My people to tell what I have done for all people. How did these disciples respond when Jesus called them? -- immediately! A word received: My disciples responded immediately when I called. That is what I want you to do too. Respond immediately when I call you.

      This reminds us of the way Abraham responded to God's call. Do we delay when the Lord calls us? Do we say, "Yes, after I do this or that."? The time to repent is always "Now".

      Now look at Luke's version. It gives us some other details. Look at how spiritually hungry the crowds were -- they "pressed upon him to hear the word of God." Jesus' humanity also shows here. He was being pushed around! He needed a little breathing room so he could teach the people. Peter willingly loans Jesus his boat.

      Then Jesus speaks to Peter, "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." We can read "the deep" here both literally and symbolically. "The deep" was where the fish were and "the deep" was Jesus asking Peter to act beyond his own experience and knowledge in obedience to Jesus' word. Of course, Peter objected -- after all he was the fisherman and Jesus was a carpenter as well as a traveling rabbi! We can imagine his tone of voice (!) -- but he obeyed at Jesus word. That is the important part. Prayer: Help me to lay aside my training and experience to hear your guidance. Thank you. Simon was willing to leave his understanding and training behind at Jesus' word.

      God wants us to put everything we are and all that we have at his disposal. He wants to teach us his word and his ways in our own vocabulary and lives -- like he tells the fishermen they will catch men.

      A word received: Listen to Me and then obey. That is what Simon did. When Simon thought he couldn't do any more, Jesus asked him to try one more time -- and that is when he reaped a huge harvest. When we're tired and Jesus asks for more---lean into him and you will have his strength.

      Simon Peter is stunned at the huge catch of fish. He doesn't really know who Jesus is yet, but he recognizes that something supernatural is going on and he is afraid.

      Always when we see who Jesus is we can see who we are clearly. Always when we see ourselves and recognize him, he says to us, "Do not be afraid." Like Job when he encounters the Living God, he put his hand to his mouth and "repents in dust and ashes."

      Jesus tells Peter and the others, "Don't be afraid," and calls them to follow him and be his disciples. He tells them they will be catching men. [Note their fishing was not with hooks and like hunting. They found out where the fish were and cast their nets (a gentle way).]

      When they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him. [They didn't start a new fishing business!] A word received: When they left their nets they left their livelihood and trusted that I will provide. When you hear Me call, know that I will provide when you answer. Very often when people come face to face with the truth they will walk away from their old ways and work and life and follow Jesus.

      Look at the people Jesus called -- they were fishermen, small businessmen, tax collectors, zealots -- ordinary people -- not the scribes and leaders and "big shots". Jesus wants everyone to follow him. [He is not elitist like many of the leaders and like the Gnostics, "Christian" and pagan, who despised ordinary people.] He came to call sinners to new life and he teaches these ordinary men to share this Good News. What is the Good News for you in this lesson? How is Jesus calling you to follow him? What is he asking you to leave behind?

      Jesus' call to repent, believe the Good News and leave your old life behind and follow him comes to us all -- but in many ways. Are we prepared to respond to Jesus' call? -- immediately?

Teaching Ideas for Lesson 08
      Please read the Study Guide first. Go over Memory Verse to make sure the children understand it and then if they have memorized it.

      Remind them their parents need to sign a report slip monthly if they have read the lessons, so they will get credit at the end of the year.

      Make sure they know what happened in the story. Get them to tell you.

Basic points of the lesson for little ones:
1.When Jesus calls us, he wants us to listen & obey immediately.

2. When Jesus asks us to do something, He will teach us and help us understand what we need to know to follow Him.

3. We can trust Jesus. He will always show the way. Jesus holds us in His hands. He doesn't want us to be afraid.

4. Jesus wants us to share His love with others that we meet.

      Suggestion for older kids: tell the story with you in it. Who are you and how do you react? What are you thinking? Use the senses to make it more real.

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